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Pemkot Jakpus Paparkan Capaian Penurunan Prevelensi Stunting
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

Stunting Prevalence Rate in Central Jakarta Exceeds National Target

The stunting prevalence rate in Central Jakarta this year reached 3.3 percent. This result has exceeded the national stunting prevalence reduction target of 14 percent.

We have held eight convergence actions

Central Jakarta Mayor, Dhany Sukma stated that in reducing the stunting prevalence rate, his party involved the private sector through the Jakarta Bergerak Atasi Stunting (Jakarta Beraksi) program and conducted eight convergence actions.

"We have held eight convergence actions and the results have been shown to be far below the national target," he stated, during a performance assessment activity for eight convergence actions to accelerate stunting reduction in districts and cities in Jakarta, Tuesday (5/28).

DWP Perumda PAM Jaya Assists Stunting Handling in South Jakarta

He explained all stages in the eight convergence actions had been carried out, starting from analysis, budgeting to performance reviews in accordance with the series of targets set in each action.

To collaborate with CSR from several companies and stakeholders in the Jakarta Beraksi program, the party appointed Central Jakarta Baznas Bazis as coordinator.

His party also involved community elements from PKK and Dasawisma cadres to ensure stunting intervention activities with nutritious food intake for program target children.

Especially for children who are already in the stunted category, he prioritizes health services that focus on nutrition and health services.

"This is also a good medium to encourage us to move, commit to solving stunting cases in order to create a golden Indonesian generation in 2045," he asserted.

Central Jakarta PKK Movement Team Chairperson, Ucu Jamilah admitted she joined hands with the program launched by the city government to overcome stunting.

Technically, PKK and Dasawisma cadres support this program by holding a healthy kitchen program that serves nutritious food

"PKK through Pokja 4 plays the role of delivering and ensuring that children consume the food," he stated.

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