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Pj Gubernur DKI Salat Idul Adha di Masjid Fatahillah Balaikota
photo Mochamad Tresna Suheryanto -

Acting Governor Performs Idul Adha Prayers at Fatahillah Mosque, City Hall

Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono, performed Idul Adha 1445 Hijri prayers at the Fatahillah Mosque, City Hall, Monday (6/17) morning.

In total, 621 qurban animals will be slaughtered

Also present were City Secretary, Joko Agus Setyono and Jakarta PKK TP Acting Chairwoman, Mirdiyanti Heru, as well as a several leaders of regional apparatus organizations (OPD).

Based on's monitoring, hundreds of congregants consisting of employees and residents began arriving at the Fatahillah Mosque to perform Idul Adha prayers since 6 AM.

W. Jakarta Mayor: Idul Adha is a Moment to Improve Awareness

The Khatib for Idul Adha prayers at the Fatahillah Mosque was Jakarta Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) Chair, KH Dede Rosyada, who delivered a sermon with the theme, 'The Spirit of Sacrifice Fosters Social Righteousness' and Prayer Imam was led by a Lecturer at the Jakarta Institute for Al-Qur'an Language and Science, H Ubaidillah ZA.

Previously, the Acting Governor had handed over the qurban animals to Dharma Jaya, Friday (6/14) afternoon which would be slaughtered on Idul Adha.

"In total, 621 qurban animals will be slaughtered, collected by employees under the Jakarta Government," he expressed, when he visited the Dharma Jaya some time ago.

He went on to say that hundreds of qurban animals of varying weights would be distributed to mosques, residents and community organizations who requested them.

"Alhamdulillah (thank God), those qurban animals are in good health," he stated.

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