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Puluhan UMKM Meriahkan Festival Budaya Betawi Cibis Park 2024
photo Tiyo Surya Sakti -

Dozens of MSMEs Enliven Cibis Park Betawi Cultural Festival

Dozens of stands from Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), enlivened the Cibis Park Betawi Cultural Festival 2024 at Cibis Park, Jalan TB Simatupang, Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.

This is to enliven Jakarta's anniversary

South Jakarta KPKP Sub-agency Head, Hasudungan A. Sidabalok stated the Cibis Park Betawi Cultural Festival will last five days, from June 24 to 28, 2024.

It also included Betawi cultural arts, live cooking, musical performances, and other activities.

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"Hopefully, activities like this can enrich the treasures of the people of Jakarta regarding Betawi culture," he expressed, Monday (6/24).

He explained the total number of MSMEs involved in this event was 30 people with various superior products such as typical Betawi culinary delights.

"This is to enliven Jakarta's anniversary, which the atmosphere is still felt today," he explained.

He was grateful to all parties who had supported holding this event. Especially from Cibis Park management, all collaborators and committees involved helped, thus it could be held well and smoothly.

"Come on, South Jakarta residents visit and enliven this Betawi Cultural Festival," he exclaimed.

PT Bhumiyamca Sekawan Director Kawasan Cibis Park Director President, Ahmad Umar added it is a form of collaboration that aims to push MSMEs to increase their turnover. This bazaar is also a form of assistance in helping marketing access for target products so that they become more widely known.

"Our hope is it can further increase the entrepreneurial spirit of the coachees in increasing turnover and product quality," he said.

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