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Sudin Kebudayaan Jakarta Utara Gelar Pelatihan Seni Budaya di 74 RPTRA
photo Anita Karyati -

N. Jakarta Culture Sub-agency Holds Art and Culture Training at 74 RPTRAs

North Jakarta Culture Sub-agency holds coaching and training of art and culture at 74 RPTRAs. The program is held since early June to end  July.

They receive training according to their interests

North Jakarta Culture Sub-agency's Coaching Section Head, Puji Surono, said cultural arts activities in this public space are to accommodate people who have a hobby of art. At the same time, providing facilities for the younger generation with positive activities, while also helping to preserve local and Indonesian cultural arts.

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"They receive training according to their interests in the fields of arts and culture. Such as dancing, painting, batik, theater, silat, marawis and hadroh," Surono said, Tuesday (6/25).

Surono explained that each training has a maximum of 30 to 50 participants ranging from children, students and the general public. In this implementation, the party involved 74 arts and culture experts. Participants will attend 10 meetings during the training period.

For residents who want to register their children to take part in art training, added Surono, they can register with the RPTRA management closest to where they live.

"Hopefully this can bring positive things for children during their school holiday," he added.

Meanwhile, RPTRA Budi Mulia Pademangan Caretaker, Imam Subhi, admitted dancing training has been opened since June 23. It is participated by 50 children every Sunday at 11 AM.

"There are still many children who want to register but our quota is full," he admitted.

Before this program, he stated, his side provided painting and martial arts training.

"RPTRA is not only a place to play, but also for learning and developing children's talents. We hope that with activities like this, our RPTRA will continue to be busy and attract visitors," he stated.

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