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Sudin LH Jakpus Siagakan 165 Petugas di Kawasan Monas
photo Istimewa -

165 Personnel Deployed to Monas Area for Bhayangkara's 78th Anniversary

At the location, we also have deployed trucks and street sweepers for cleanliness

As many as 165 personnel of the Central Jakarta Environment Sub-agency have been deployed to support Bhayangkara's 78th anniversary in the Monas area, Monday (7/1).

Central Jakarta Environment Sub-agency Head, Slamet Riyadi said that from 165 personnel, 60 of them were from the Gambir Sub-district Environment's Cleanliness Task Force and the rest 105 personnel were from the Environment Cleanliness Task Force.

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"At the location, we also have deployed trucks and street sweepers for cleanliness," he expressed.

Gambir Sub-district Environment Executing Unit Head, Mumu Mulyana explained that during the event, they were just put on alert and cleaning trash. After it was done, they would have a massive cleaning at the location.

"It will be conducted after the event is done considering it will end at 11 PM," he closed.

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