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Pembukaan, IMF 2024, Jakarta
photo Nugroho Sejati -

Jakarta Becomes Host of 2024 IMF, Synergy to Build Sustainable Cities

The city of Jakarta is trusted to host the 2024 International Mayors Forum (IMF), a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences between cities in the world that highlights the urgency of sustainable development.

This forum is an opportunity for local, regional and national governments

The event took place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Jakarta, Central Jakarta, on July 2-4, 2024. The number of delegates participating reached 200 people from 33 countries and 63 city governments in Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and West Asia.

Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono said 2024 IMF is an important step in the collective journey towards sustainable development.

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In line with the theme, 'Accelerating Action at the Local Level to Achieve the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals', strengthening synergy from various parties, both financial and non-financial support as well as regional cooperation, is very important to ensure the SDGs are achieved in 2030.

"It will discuss the SDGs programs that will be conducted, with commitments to reach the end point in 2030," he expressed, as quoted by Jakarta Provincial Government's press release, Tuesday (7/2).

He added Jakarta had integrated the principles of Sustainable Development Goals into regional development plans, one of which was through the SDGs Regional Action Plan.

In achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda, the Jakarta Government has made some efforts that focus on several things. First, overcoming poverty, increasing access to quality education, reducing inequality, and improving the quality of public health and welfare, by increasing access to basic services and basic urban infrastructure.

Second, Jakarta is committed to reducing hunger, by encouraging all stakeholders to increase food security through various initiatives, such as urban farming practices, maintaining food stocks through the role of Food Station Tjipinang Jaya, and implementing cheap basic food programs in various urban villages in Jakarta in synergy with private parties.

Third, Jakarta continues to create sustainable cities and communities by implementing various programs. Such as organizing slum villages, building simple flats, and vertical land consolidation for underprivileged communities, to improve their quality of life.

"Further, Jakarta continues to commit to increasing Green Open Space (RTH) by 30 percent by 2030. Throughout 2023-2024, the Jakarta Government has planted around 287,000 trees, 138,000 mangroves, and 8.8 million plants, especially in areas that previously lacked green space for improve the urban environment and the quality of life of residents," he explained.

The Jakarta Government is also conducting flood control in synergy with the PUPR Ministry in accelerating the construction of coastal safety embankments (NCICD) to protect Jakarta's coast from rising sea levels. Then, as a center of population activity, Jakarta provides sustainable transportation services, by encouraging 70% of People Near Transit, namely the majority of the population to move around transportation points/nodes and create regional independence.

The Jakarta Government is also working to ensure easy public access to clean water and sanitation, by improving the piped clean water distribution network, investing in desalination technology, and increasing rainwater capture to achieve the target of 100 percent piped clean water coverage by 2030.

Jakarta also keeps improving gender equality, by providing equal career opportunities. Currently, 57.58 percent of the total employees working in the Jakarta Government are women, with 27.1 percent of the highest leadership positions in Jakarta occupied by women.

"We believe that continuing to maintain our commitment to gender equality will encourage the realization of an inclusive society," he explained.

At the same location, National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and minister, Suharso Monoarfa said the issue of city management had become a common concern. If not controlled properly, urbanization can lead to inequality, an increase in vulnerable groups, exploitation of suburban areas, and so on.

“Thereby, in the future, city development must be based on the New Urban Agenda which emphasizes the importance of a sustainable economy and environment to ensure that no one is left behind. Then, prioritizing integrated city and regional planning, multi-actor governance, and cities built based on people-oriented, age-responsive and gender-sensitive principles," he explained.

Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Navid Hanif explained 2024 IMF is the seventh time it has been held. Hopefully, this forum could accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through sustainable development carried out by each city.

"You will drive change. However, this time we must focus on structural and systematic changes so that world cities remain on track towards a sustainable future," he explained.

It also plays an important role in organizing the UN's Summit of the Future which will be held next September.

"This forum is an opportunity for local, regional and national governments to explore and initiate sustainable development for the future, thus they can contribute to the UN conference," he said.

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