No lawyer, City Lose in BANI
Reported by Andry | Translated by Cintya Meliza
There was no lawyer accompanying. So our position was weak. What can we do
Jakarta Provincial Government defeat from PT Ivani Dewi, the importer of Transjakarta articulated bus brand Ankai in The Indonesian National Arbitration Agency(BANI), last Wednesday(4/22) in rusty Transjakarta bus payment lawsuit, was because the absence of the lawyer.
"There was no lawyer accompanying. So our position was weak. What can we do," said Head of Jakarta Communications and Transportations Sub-Department, Monday(4/27).
Feasibility of 529 Transjakarta Buses Must Be TestedBukit stated, before lose in the lawsuit, his sub-department has requested City Law Bureau to send a lawyer for accompanying in the lawsuit which is filed by PT Ifani Dewi, in rusty Transjakarta case. "We had sent a letter to law bureau since 6 months ago. Yet they refused, they said it's not their authority," he uttered.
According to him, the reason of law bureau refusing send a lawyer due to lack of budget, thus the case led to Jakarta Government defeat.
"We will file an appeal against the case, despite there has been an official decree from BANI. As the final decree is still in high court," he explained.
As known, PT Ifani Dewi, one of Transjakarta articulated bus tender winners in 2013 won a lawsuit against Jakarta Government amounted to Rp 7,6 billion in detail Rp 3,5 billion for Transjakarta bus unit price and Rp 4,1 billion for those 30 buses' BPKB and STNK payment.