Semanan Urban Village Office Renovation Reaches 24 Percent
Reported by TP Moan Simanjuntak | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
The heavy renovation of Semanan Urban Village Office on Jalan Semanan Raya, Kalideres Sub-district, West Jakarta, is intensified. Now the progress reaches 24 percent.
The work was started in May and has reached 24 percent
West Jakarta City Secretariate's Government Division Head, Rano Rahmat Effendi, said this heavy renovation budget is taken from City Budget 2024 by Rp 13 billion and run by developer.
"The work was started in May and has reached 24 percent," he said, Friday (8/9).
SKKT Building Renovation in West Jakarta IntensifiedRano added that his party continues to monitor the work so that the construction target is in accordance with what has been set, that is 180 days of work calendar period.
"It is targeted to complete in November 2024," he added.
Rano continued that the heavy renovation of this building includes room arrangement, improving toilet, and installing Aluminum
Composite Panel (ACP)."New building is also built on the second floor by 80 square meter for Binmas, Babinsa, and Satpol PP room," he stated.