Anti-Rabies Vaccines Given to 85 Pets in Sunter Jaya
Reported by Anita Karyati | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
As many as 85 resident's pets received anti-rabies vaccine at RW 10 Secretariat and RPTRA Sunter Indah, Sunter Jaya Urban Village, Tanjung Priok Sub-district, North Jakarta.
maintain both pets and human health,
North Jakarta Food Security, Marine and Agriculture (KPKP) Sub-agency, Unang Rustanto said the mobile service aims to ease residents accessing anti-rabies vaccination.
"The vaccination is important to maintain both pets and human health," he said, Thursday (2/13).
76 Animals Vaccinated Against Rabies at RTRA Ciganjur BerseriUnang explained 66 pets were vaccinated at RW 10 Secretariat. Those are 43 dogs and 23 cats. Then 19 pets were vaccinated at RPTRA Sunter Indah. Those are five dogs, 13 cats, and one monkey.
"The service involved four personnel of animal health from North Jakarta KPKP Sub-agency," he added.
He continued that the personnel also gave door to door service for sick pets.
Meanwhile, one of residents living at RW 10, Linda (56), admitted happy with the service.
"It helps me a lot since the service is given in the house. The service is free of charge," she stated.