Pramono Committed to Increase Transparency and Accountability of Regional Financial Management
Reported by Dessy Suciati | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
Jakarta Governor, Pramono Anung attended the presentation of the BPK Representative Office of Jakarta for Semester II of 2024 audit result and the handover of BPK Representative Office of Jakarta Province Head, at BPK Representative Office of Jakarta Building, South Jakarta, Wednesday (3/5).
"Semoga manajemen pemerintahan di Jakarta ini menjadi lebih baik,"
Pramono delivered his appreciation to the new BPK Representative Office of Jakarta Head, Ali Syahrir. He hopes the synergy and cooperation between Jakarta Provicial Government and BPK will create better Jakarta.
"Hopefully we can run the cooperation well and bring kindness both for Jakarta Provincial Government and Jakarta City Council," Pramono said.
Acting Governor Heru Hands Over LKPD 2023 to BPKPramono also emphasized the importance of synergy between the Jakarta Provincial Government, BPK, and Jakarta City Council in realizing clean and professional governance.
"If everything is accessible for public, hopefully the government management in Jakarta will be better, more transparent, more accountable, and most importantly we will be better," Pramono added.
Pramono also appealed all regional working units and BUMD directors to perform transparently and openly. Transparency is believed to be the key to improve Jakarta.
"I hope transparency will be our key to improve for better Jakarta," he continued.
For seven consecutive years Jakarta has received the predicate of Fair Without Exception (WTP) from BPK. Therefore, Pramono said, his party will establish good cooperation with all stakeholders in Jakarta.
Meanwhile, Jakarta City Council Chairman, Khoirudin appreciated to the previous Head of the BPK Representative Office for his devotion and dedication. He also welcomed the presence of Ali Asyhar as the new Head of the BPK Representative Office of Jakarta Province.
"Hopefully BPK can continue to improve the effectiveness of regional financial supervision, ensure better governance, and maintain public trust in regional budget management with the experience and leadership of Mr. Ali Asyhar," Khoirudin stated.
Khoirudin added in order to create clean and professional governance, BPK has an important role in ensuring accountability and transparency in regional financial management.
He also emphasized the commitment of the Jakarta City Council to continue to synergize with the BPK in carrying out its supervisory function. It is expected that a more transparent, professional and accountable regional financial system can be reached through close cooperation between the BPK, Jakarta Provincial Government and the Jakarta City Council.
"We also hope that cooperation between the BPK and the Jakarta City Council will be stronger in supervising regional fiscal policies, ensuring that regional budgets are used effectively, efficiently and in accordance with the principles of good governance," he added.
Meanwhile, Member V of the BPK, Bobby Adhityo delivered a report of the follow-up monitoring to the results of the BPK audit and regional losses in the second semester of 2024. As stated in the report, BPK appreciated the efforts made by the Jakarta Provincial Government in following up on recommendations from the BPK audit.
"We appreciate the efforts made by the Jakarta Provincial Government in following up on the recommendations of this BPK audit. Because of that, Jakarta Provincial Government has succeeded in completing 89.21 percent with a total of 10,454 recommendations or worth Rp 5.25 trillion and 6.6 million dollars during the second semester of 2024.
Moreover, Jakarta Provincial Government has also completed regional compensation worth Rp 330.82 billion from a total loss of around Rp 1.4 trillion. Bobby hopes that Jakarta Provincial Government can increase efforts to complete follow-up and regional losses quickly, accurately, and within the specified time limit in the monitoring of follow-up and regional losses in the next period.
"It is hoped we can continue to maintain this good cooperation in order to improve the quality of regional financial governance," he closed.