Flood Survivors in Kembangan Selatan Enjoy Door-to-Door Service
Reported by Tiyo Surya Sakti | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
The Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Implementation Unit (PM-PTSP) along with the Kembangan Selatan Population and Civil Registration Sub-agency, Kembangan, West Jakarta, provided home visit services for flood survivors.
This is a form of government commitment to provide convenience to flood survivors
Kembangan Selatan PM-PTSP Executing Unit Head, Easti Pudjiastuti said the service was provided to residents whose documents were lost or damaged due to flooding, especially residents of RW 03 and 09.
"This is a form of government commitment to provide convenience to flood survivors effectively and efficiently," she expressed, Thursday (3/6).
Commission D Commends SDA Agency's Efforts in Handling FloodsAccording to her, the services provided include, Cemetery Land Use Permit (IPTM) and Business Identification Number (NIB).
"It is open until 3 PM at the Secretariat Post RW 03 and 09 Kembangan Selatan," she explained.
Kembangan Selatan Population and Civil Registration Executing Unit Head, Lisa Anggraini added her side provided electronic KTP printing services, Child Identity Cards (KIA), Birth Certificates, Death Certificates, and Family Cards.
"Alhamdulillah (thank God), the residents are very enthusiastic, hopefully, this service provides great benefits for them," she explained.
She urged residents who cannot attend to visit the offices of urban village, sub-district, or city to propose their population administration (adminduk).
As information, there are three neighborhood units in Kembangan Selatan flooded, namely RW 01, 03, and 09.
As many as 300 families were affected by the flooding caused by the overflow of the Pesanggrahan River.