Commission E Supports Addition of Medical Personnel in Seribu Islands
Reported by Fakhrizal Fakhri | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
The Development Planning Forum (Musrenbang) of Jakarta Regional Working Plan (RKPD) 2026 proposed the addition of medical personnel especially specialist doctors in Seribu Islands.
to improve the health service there
Jakarta City Council's Commission E Chairman, KH Muhammad Thamrin supported the addition of medical personnel. He hopes this will improve health services for the society.
"The addition of medical personnel in Seribu Islands is important and we support it much. It aims to improve the health service there," he said, Monday (3/24).
Cheap Bazaar Food Distribution to Seribu Islands AppreciatedThamrin explained Seribu Islands also needs human resources improvement to develop the area.
He also appealed the Regional Hospital and Community Health Center development in the islands, as well as health facilities such as ambulance boats.
"We hope Jakarta Provincial Government also improves the health facilities, such as Seribu Islands Regional Hospital, Community Health Centers, and ambulance boats," he stated.