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18 Titik Lampu di Jalan Raden Inten Diperbaiki
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

18 Malfunctioned Street Lights at Jalan Radin Inten Repaired

As much as 18 malfunctioned street lights that spread along Jalan Raden Inten, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, finally repaired on Sunday (9/20) night until Monday (9/21) dawn. To give optimal lighting, the officer replaced them with Light Emitting Diode (LED).

By so, we hope the citizen could feel comfortable and safe

Head of East Jakarta Industry and Energy Sub-Department, Syaukani acknowledged Jalan Raden Inten, Duren Sawit is an alternative access for motorist from Jalan Kalimalang towards Jalan Kolonel Sugiono and Jalan I Gusti Ngurah Rai or vice versa. Lately, his sub-department often gets citizen complaints over the malfunctioned street light.

“That's why, the road is very dangerous, especially at night,” he stated, Monday (9/21).

Covering Street Light, 10 Trees on Jalan Martapura Pruned

From data, she told that there are at least about 18 malfunctioned street lights and have been repaired.

By so, we hope the citizen could feel comfortable and safe,” he hoped.

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