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Lampu PJU di Jalan Wijaya di Perbaiki
photo Rudi Hermawan -

5 Street Lights Along Jalan Wijaya Repaired

As many as five malfunctioned street lights along Jalan Wijaya 9, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, finally repaired.

There are five street lights malfunctioned and now already light up again

Head of South Jakarta Industry and Energy Sub-Department,  Hasni Chalid said the repair is a follow-up of public report about malfunctioned street light via Qlue app.

"There are five street lights malfunctioned and now already light up again," he told, Monday (9/21).

333 Street Lights Brighten Jalan Pemuda

He explained the cause of malfunctioned street light is from one component, thus it should be replaced with new ones.

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