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Dikeluhkan Warga, 8 Titik Lampu PJU Jalan Dermaga Diperbaiki
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

Damage Street Lights on Jalan Dermaga Replaced With LED Lamp

East Jakarta Industry and Energy Sub Department conduct a reparation over 8 spots of damage street light (PJU) on Jalan Dermaga, RW 08 Klender Urban Village, Duren Sawit. The effort aims to minimize crime.

We replace with Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps

The Installation of 7,315 Street Lights Finished in December

“Road reparation was a following action over public complaints. That’s why we immediate tackle it,” said Head of East Jakarta Industry and Energy Sub Department, Syaukani, Tuesday (9/22).

After checking,  the officer found 8 spots of damage street lights. “Our officer needs to check each lights, evidently, there are 8 lights along the road are damage,” he expressed.

The officer equipped with ladder car to reach lights with over 5 meters height.

“We replace with Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps,” he finished.

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