South Jakarta Kapenko Applies E-Monev System
Reported by Izzudin | Translated by Cintya Meliza
For pushing the performance of Regional Working Unit (SKPD/UKPD) to be more maximal, South Jakarta Administration changed e-monev system (electronic monitoring and evaluation).
If use e-monev, the system is 50:50 between absorption and implementation would be balance
Head of South Jakarta Urban Development Planning Office (Kapenko), Hidayat Budiawan stated, currently, for budget absorption is applied with system changing using e-monev.
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"If use e-monev, the system is 50:50 between absorption and implementation would be balance," he said, Thursday (10/15).
He explained, the biggest absorption this year is Community Welfare sector (Kesmas). As for the lowest one is economic sector.
"Economic sector is still lower than community welfare," Budiawan explained.
As for education sector still cannot define as the implementation has not been conducted yet the auction process for development has been done.
"There is also no billing for city infrastructures and facilities," he expressed.