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Tugas pertama sebagai Plt Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Basuki langsung memimpin pencanangan HUT ke-487 Kota
Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta secara resmi menjadi Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Gubernur DKI Jakarta mulai Minggu (1/6). Tugas pertama seb.
photo Yopie Oscar -

Basuki Led Jakarta Anniversary Launching

Jakarta Vice Governor officially becomes Acting Jakarta Governor starting Sunday (6/1). The first duty as the Acting Jakarta Governor, Basuki directly led the launching of Jakarta 487 Anniversary in Kebon Kosong Urban Village, Kemayoran Sub-District.

 As long as I live in Jakarta, I never see the council members come to event like this


Arriving at the venue, Basuki was greeted by various Betawi arts such as Palang Pintu and dances.

Becomes Acting Governor, Basuki Maintains Full Speed

On that occasion, Basuki criticized the City Council members who had never attended the annual event. "The chairman or their representatives never comes. As long as I live in Jakarta, I never see the council members come to event like this," said Basuki, Sunday (6/1).

The launching of Jakarta 487 Anniversary ceremony  was also attended by the Mayor of Central Jakarta, Saefullah.

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