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Tingkat Partisipasi Pemilih di Kepulauan Seribu Meningkat
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Pilkada Voters in Seribu Islands Increasing

The 2017 Pilkada participation in Seribu Islands that held on Wednesday (2/15) is higher compared to the election in 2012 and in 2014. 

We urge those living in the land to return using voting right in the upcoming second round

According to Sumarno, Head of Seribu Islands General Election Commission (KPU), from 17,415 final voters lists (DPT), the election participation is reaching 80.5 percent. While for the election in 2012, it was only 70.2 percent. 

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"People who did not vote yesterday are mostly from the land and not return to the island during voting, even though the day was set as national holiday," he stated, Friday (2/17).

From vote recapitulation results in two sub-districts, the number of voters is reaching 14,404. In details, North Seribu Islands Sub-district has 8,419 voters from 10,333 DPTs and South Seribu Islands Sub-district has 5,985 voters from 7,085 DPTs 

Sumarno hopes, in the second round election that held in April 19, all residents of Seribu Islands could cast vote.

"We urge those living in the land to return using voting right in the upcoming second round, thus participation keeps increasing," he finished.

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