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Kampung Betawi Hadir di Arena PRJ
Penyelenggaran Jakarta Fair atau Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ) di kawasan Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat tahun ini terasa istimewa dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Hal ini disebabkan hadirnya Kampung Betawi di pameran bertaraf internasional yang berlangsung m.
photo Agustian Anas -

Kampung Betawi Enlivens Jakarta Fair

The implementation of Jakarta Fair in Kemayoran area, Central Jakarta, will be different and special than previous years. This is because Kampung Betawi colors the event that is held on June 6-July 6, 2014.

The art and culinary are presented by LKB’s studio and supported by PWB, FBR, Forkabi, and LMP

Kampung Betawi stands on an area as wide as 700 meters. In this area, there is a Betawian house complete with stages that perform various Betawi traditional art, such as abang none cilik, gambang kromong, gambus (Middle East music beats), lipet gandes, ondel-ondel (giant effigies), tanjidor (traditional Betawi instrument), sohibul hikayat, and Betawi culture documentary films.

Kampung Betawi Construction Targeted to Complete This Year

The visitors can also taste various kinds of Betawi culinary, ranging from kerak telor (Betawi egg crust), toge goreng (fried bean sprout), nasi uduk (rice cooked in coconut milk), nasi ulam (herbal rice), nasi kebuli (Arab fried rice with spices), laksa pengantin, soto Betawi (coconut milk soup), bubur ase (rice porridge), ketupat babanci (traditional rice cake wrapped in leaves), bir pletok (Betawi traditional herbal drink), selendang mayang (sweet ice drink), dodol (glutinous rice cake), and asinan Betawi (pickled vegetables), that are served in 40 booths.

Chairman of Betawi Cultural Organization (LKB), Tatang Hidayat, said that all supporting facilities are facilitated by the JIExpo, while LKB only serves as the manager in charge of the art show and the charging culinary booths and Betawi culture products.

The art and culinary are presented by LKB’s studio and supported by Betawi Women Organization (PWB), Betawi Brotherhood Forum (FBR), Betawi People’s Forum (Forkabi), and Red-White Front (LMP),” he stated, Tuesday (6/10).

According to Hidayat, Kampung Betawi is formed to introduce Jakarta’s local knowledge and provide an opportunity for cultural performers or artists to promote their products to the visitors.

“This is the time artists obtain prolonged blessings,” he expressed.

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