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Basuki to Evaluate Monas Jakarta Fair

The first day of Monas Jakarta Fair implementation caused some losses. One of them is the rampant illegal parking around the pride monument of Jakartans. As a result, three TransJakarta bus stops around Monas were not functioning on Tuesday (6/10) night.

We want to reduce the losses. There is no way reducing the losses then we stopping it. That won’t gain benefits. We will evaluate it

Acting Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama admitted that Monas Jakarta Fair implementation causes some losses. However, the losses are assessed far less than the benefits it brings for the citizens.

Basuki Opened Monas Jakarta Fair

“Indeed, the process to educate the residents is not easy, but the benefits (from Monas Jakarta Fair) are higher than the losses,” he stated at City Hall, Wednesday (6/11).

According to Basuki, Jakarta Provincial Government will keep improving Monas Jakarta Fair implementation until the losses can be reduced. Thus, he will evaluate the event which held until Sunday (6/15).

We want to reduce the losses. There is no way reducing the losses then we stopping it. That won’t gain benefits. We will evaluate it. Although this is the first Monas Jakarta Fair (implemented), it is the same as (Jakarta’s) last anniversary and New Year celebration. At that time, the parks were destroyed as well,” he uttered.

Monas Jakarta Fair is on June 10 until upcoming June 15. The event starts at 2 PM until 11 PM for weekdays and 9 AM until 11 PM on weekend. On the first day of its implementation, three TransJakarta bus stops namely City Hall, Monas, and Gambir, cannot be functioned because the bus stops were used for illegal parking lots.

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