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prj monas - ahok disambut palang pintu .
photo Yopie Oscar -

Basuki Opened Monas Jakarta Fair

Acting Jakarta Governor Basuki T Purnama officially opened the Jakarta Fair in Monas, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (6/10) afternoon. This event is held by Jakarta Provincial Government to celebrate Jakarta’s 487th anniversary.

Jakarta Fair is a national event and inaugurated by president, while Monas Jakarta Fair is a traditional event. But, it is not a rival

According to Basuki, Monas Jakarta Fair is a not rival of Kemayoran Jakarta Fair. Kemayoran Jakarta Fair is an international scale exhibition featuring mostly industrial products, while Monas Jakarta Fair is an exhibition which all participants are from small and medium enterprises (UKM).

“Vice President asked me yesterday, what is the different between (Kemayoran) Jakarta Fair with Monas Jakarta Fair? Jakarta Fair is a national event and inaugurated by president, while Monas Jakarta Fair is a traditional event. But, it is not a rival. It’s not that as if the governor wanted to inaugurate,” he stated, Tuesday (6/10).

City to Hold Jakarta Fair in Monas

Basuki explained that the idea of Monas Jakarta Fair came from the desire of Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo who wanted city’s anniversary to be enjoyed by all Jakartans.

“That’s why we make Monas Jakarta Fair which is free of entrance charge. As for the Kemayoran Jakarta Fair, people have to buy ticket Rp 20,000 per person,” he told.

Monas Jakarta Fair will be held on June 10-15 at 2-11 PM. In the weekend, the event will open at 9 AM-11 PM.

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