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Satpel LH Duren Sawit Tingkatkan Pengawasan di KBT
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Supervision Level in KBT Area Tightened from Littering

The Duren Sawit Sub-district taskforces in East Jakarta began to tighten supervision of East Flood Canal (KBT).

KBT area becomes our main focus in supervision, thus no one is littering

"KBT area becomes our main focus in supervision, thus no one is littering," said Suprihartini, Head of Executing Unit for Duren Sawit Environment, Tuesday (1/30).

TPS Prepared for Block G Market Traders

Every day, along with Satpol PP, his side does a routine supervision and urges street vendors (PKL) in KBT area not to litter.

Similar action is also run toward three temporary waste disposal sites. They are TPS at RW 03 Pondok Kopi, TPS at RW 11 Pondok Kopi and TPS at Wika, Jalan I Gusti Ngurah Rai RW 01 Malaka Jaya Urban Village. 

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