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Pulo Mas Jaya akan Revitalisasi Kawasan Waduk Ria Rio
photo Wuri Setyaningsih -

Pulo Mas Jaya to Revitalize Ria Rio Reservoir

PT Pulo Mas Jaya will gradually revitalize the Ria Rio Reservoir area, Jalan Pulo Mas Utara Block E No. 1, Kayu Putih, East Jakarta, this year. PT Pulo Mas Jaya is a subsidiary of PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro).

This year we clean the water first. Afterwards we will do repair

PT Pulo Mas Jaya Project Director, Arsalna Adamarchi said the water reservoir would be cleaned first by using an aerator machine water purifier.

"This year we clean the water first. Afterwards, we will do repair," he expressed, Wednesday (5/9).

PT. Pulo Mas Jaya Will Revitalize Ria Rio Reservoir's Park in 2018

His side will also conduct study by looking at good water purifier references, such as the Setiabudi and Singapore Water pumps.

They will also try the Nano Bubble machine at Jakarta International Equestrian Park.

"If the machine is good, we will buy one more for Ria Rio Reservoir," he said. 

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