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Para Delegasi Asian Games Kunjungi Kota Tua dan Monas
photo Wuri Setyaningsih -

Laos and China Delegates Visit Kota Tua and Monas

Tens of Asian Games delegates from Laos, visited the Kota Tua area, Senin (8/20).

These delegates are coming along with a guide at around 9 AM using Transjakarat bus. They visit the History Museum and Puppet Museum

History Museum Head, Sri Kusumawati said that those delegates from Laos came to two places, namely the History Museum and the Puppet Museum in the Kota Tua.

"These delegates are coming along with a guide at around 9 AM using Transjakarat bus. They visit the History Museum and Puppet Museum," he expressed, Monday (8/20).

249 Personnel Prepared in Seven Asian Games Venues to Maintain Cleanliness

Separately, Monas UPK Head, Munjirin uttered that today around nine people delegates from China also visited the National Museum (Monas).

"Those delegates also try to go to the top of Monas," he said. 

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