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 Pengerukan Saluran di Jalan Lautze Capai 40 Persen
photo Agung Supriyanto -

Channel Dredging on Jalan Lautze Has Reached 40 Percent

The Sawah Besar Sub-district Water Resources (SDA) Executing Unit, Central Jakarta reports the dredging process on the water channel on Jalan Lautze, Pasar Baru Urban Village has reached 40 percent.

Channel will be dredged up to 580 meters and now it has reached 232 meters

"Channel will be dredged up to 580 meters and now it has reached 232 meters," said Sawah Besar Sub-district SDA Executing Unit Head, Nanang Gusnadi, Tuesday (12/3).

It has been carried out since November 19 and is targeted to be complete on December 15.

Channel Normalization on Jalan Kartini 8A Reaches 98 Percent

"We have transported 90 cubic meters of mud and waste so far using two dump trucks," he explained.

Hopefully it could minimize flooding at a later time, considering now it is entered the rainy season.

"To do this, we have sent 26 personnel to the location," he closed.

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