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Pantau Akses Masuk ke Jakarta, Anies Pastikan Penegakan Pergub 47/2020 Berjalan Baik
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Monitoring Checkpoint, Anies Ensures Enforcement of Pergub 47/2020 Carried Out Well

Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan together with civil apparatuses in Transportation Agency, Satpol PP, and Jakarta Task Force for Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling monitored the operation of limiting people's mobility to Jakarta at KM 47 of Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road on Tuesday (5/26).

Earlier, I saw the checking process was carried out in disciplined manner

This operation was held to monitor the realization of Gubernatorial Regulation (Pergub) No. 47/2020 where people who want to enter or exit Jakarta should bring Exit and Entry Permit (SIKM).

"Tonight, we monitor at Checkpoint KM 47. Once again, I remind all residents who don't carry out official activities which included in 11 allowed sectors during PSBB, then you are not allowed to enter Jakarta. In order to get the permit, you must apply for it but, once again, it is only allowed for those who have official duties," he asserted as quoted by Jakarta PPID Press Release.

125,734 People Have Accessed SIKM Services During Eid

He witnessed how the enforcement of Pergub No. 47/2020 was carried out properly through coordination of all cross-regional parties, both from Jakarta Provincial Government (Jakarta Transportation Agency, Satpol PP, Metro Jaya Regional Police, and Kodam Jaya) along with apparatuses of West Java Provincial Government through West Java Transportation Agency, West Java Regional Police, and Kodam Siliwangi.

"Earlier, I saw the checking process was carried out in disciplined manner. For those who don't have the permit should return. Therefore, for people who don't have permit and not carry out official duties, please postpone your trip to Jakarta. Because if you force to leave, in the end you must turned back to your origin area," he said.

According to him, limitation should be carried out to protect and appreciate the efforts of Jakartans who have undergone Large-scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) period for the last two moths. It is feared that movement of people in this backflow has the potential to increase number of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta during the two-week determination period which targeted to be the last period of PSBB.

"Those who need to return on the mid way may feel uncomfortable. But it would be even more uncomfortable for millions of Jakartans if we let it go. If we let them in and out, that means we don't appreciate hard work of millions Jakartans who have been home for two months. Our way to appreciate their hard work is to protect Jakarta from people who enter and leave as they please," he stated.

Seeing the Pergub enforcement has been carried out very disciplined and tightly, his side appreciate all parties who have collaborated and hope it could bring Jakarta for transition to a new normal, thus PSBB doesn't need to be extended.

"I appreciate the hard work of West Java Regional Police, Kodam Siliwangi, West Java Government, West Java Transportation Agency in particular, and also Kodam Jaya, and Metro Jaya Regional Police that have supported the implementation of Pergub 47/2020. Insya Allah, we can proceed to the new normal and do activities as before," he closed.

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