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Ini Cara Mengurus Surat Izin Keluar/Masuk Jakarta
photo Aldi Geri Lumban Tobing -

Here is How to Process Jakarta Exit/Enter Permit

Jakarta Provincial Government has imposed requirements on people or business actors to carry out travel activities in and out of Jakarta by having an Exit/Entry Permit (SIKM).

All the required statement forms in the requirements file can be downloaded at and the JakEVO homepage

The permit is intended to provide protection and legal certainty for the community and the COVID-19 Handling Task Force in Jakarta in an effort to support the prevention of coronavirus transmission.

Jakarta Investment and One-stop Integrated Services (PM and PTSP) Head Benni Aguscandra said people could request the SIKM by accessing and then selecting the Jakarta Exit Permit menu.

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"After that, they will be directed to the JakEVO website, a fast, easy, transparent and simple online application for licensing and non-licensing services in Jakarta area," he expressed, Thursday (5/21).

There are a number of requirements that they must prepare before submitting an application for SIKM. Especially for people who live in Jakarta, the cover letter from RT and RW is needed that explains official travel activities; stamped health statement; work certificate from a non-Greater Jakarta workplace (for repeat trips); official travel certificate (for one trip); color photographs; and ID Card scan.

As for the people who are domiciled in non-Greater Jakarta, requirements are needed such as a cover letter from urban village/village; stamped health statement; work certificate in Jakarta from workplace (for repeat travel); assignment letter/invitation from the agency/company; guarantee letter from the family or workplace located in Jakarta known by the RT Head (for a one-time trip); hospital referral (for one-time trips); color photographs; and ID Card scan.

"All the required statement forms in the requirements file can be downloaded at and the JakEVO homepage," he explained.

He added SIKM permit begins with the applicant filling out the application form data, starting from completing all data of the applicant's identity, guarantor/responsible data to information data.

Then all required documents are uploaded and adjusted to the requested format. If the requirements are complete and appropriate, click Submit Form.

"Check all the requirements again. If it is correct and complete, they can immediately choose Submit an Application. Read carefully all the conditions listed on the screen. To continue with the permit process, click I agree and create a permit," he explained.

He furthered JakEVO will send a guarantor's e-mail statement/guarantor's approval to the guarantor/responsible e-mail address. The guarantor/person in charge is asked to read carefully all statements and the applicable provisions in accordance with the laws and regulations.

"The next step is to click agree or be willing to continue the application or click do not agree or are not willing to cancel the application," he told.

The applicant can check periodically to see the permit application process in real time by looking at the My Permit menu. They can also see the timeline for processing the permit application that is applied openly and transparently if the application has been validated.

"We ensure that administrative and technical research into SIKM permit applications is carried out carefully," he exclaimed.

JakEVO, he uttered, will send e-mail to the applicant's e-mail, according to the e-mail address registered when submitting the application, accompanied by a link to download the SIKM electronically signed by the authorized official.

"They can save the permit document file that has been issued electronically or print permission documents independently," he added.

As for the information, the city government has collaborated with the National Siber and Sandi (BSSN) Agency to carry out certification authority for permit and non-permit outputs to ensure efficient and safe exchange of information.

"Permit authentication can be done by the Supervisory and Control Officer by writing the applicant's mobile number on the JakEVO page/application, as well as it can also be done by scanning the QR Code listed on the SIKM," he closed.

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