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Belasan Petugas SDA Kecamatan Kemayoran Normalisasi Saluran PHB Gempol
photo Adriana Megawati -

Kemayoran Connecting Channel Cleaned from Mud

We are doing this to smoothen water flow to avoid clogging when it rains

The South Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency has drained the connecting channel on Jalan Kemayoran Gempol, Kemayoran.

Kemayoran Sub-district SDA Executing Unit Head Supriyadi expressed that it was carried out by cleaning mud and waste stuck in the channel.

Drainage on Jalan Raya Bogor Cleaned

"To do it, we have sent 15 personnel and 1 heavy equipment," he expressed, Thursday (5/28).

The channel itself had 363.8 meters length, 2.5 meters width and 2 meters depth.

"We are doing this to smoothen water flow to avoid clogging when it rains," he closed.

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