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PT Transjakarta Buka Peluang Bagi Operator Baru Transjakarta
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Larger Amount of Transjakarta Bus to Flock Jakarta, Ahok Says

Jakarta Vice Governor, Basuki T. Purnama, admitted that the mass transportation of Transjakarta bus program is still far from what city people expected during his two years period leads Jakarta.

We hope in 2015-2016, I will flood Jakarta with Transjakarta and double-decker bus. So the changing could be significant

"We fail in Transjakarta bus procurement during this two years," Basuki said, Friday (10/10).

However, Basuki added, Jakarta should add the Transjakarta bus. In fact, Basuki failed due to budget mark up.

PT Transjakarta to Manage the Tourism Double-decker Bus

"We hope in 2015-2016, I will flood Jakarta with Transjakarta and double-decker bus. So the changing could be significant," Basuki added.

The city government is still working to build bus shelter and train station which is similar with big cities around the world.

Transjakarta bus procurement was failed in 2013 due to budget corruption. The bus fleet came from Tiongkok are rust.

During this case, the Attorney General has set three suspects; former Head of Transportation Department with initial UP, Secretary of Transportation Department with initial DA, and Procurement Chief for Transportation Department with initial ST.

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