Anies - North Jakarta Resort Police Launches Jakarta Utara SEHAD App
Reported by Rezki Apriliya Iskandar | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
InsyaAllah this app is a huge benefit for us in facing the coronavirus
Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan together with the regional leadership communication forum (Forkopimda) has launched Jakarta Utara SEHAD (Excitement Facing COVID-19) application at the North Jakarta Resort Police Office, Thursday (7/23). It is one of information technology-based innovations from North Jakarta Metro Police in the context of adapting new habits.
"In this morning we witnessed a seri
es of breakthroughs from North Jakarta Police and also several other Polres in the Jakarta Police neighborhoods. Jakarta is the center of the economy, the center of technological progress. Thank you, yesterday the Police Head was present telling of his breakthroughs as previously described which shows us all how we can serve the community better using technology," he expressed, in his speech, as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release, Thursday (7/23).Future City: The Virtual Smart City Hackathon | Jakarta - Berlin Respond to COVID-19 ChallengeThe free downloadable application will contain:
1. Notification of the results of the swab that have been undertaken and the schedule for the next swab
2. Patient status (positive, waiting for results, or negative)
3. Be a reminder to run care procedures and a healthy lifestyle
4. Warn COVID-19 patients who leave the isolation zone and connect with the North Jakarta Metro Resort Police command center, and
5. Self-assessment services to facilitate application users if they need consultations and emergencies
He also appreciated the application that complements the efforts made by the Jakarta Provincial Government in curbing the COVID-19 pandemic. He mentioned, the city had previously improved its PCR testing capability and hospital capacity according to WHO standards.
"Let's take care together considering North Jakarta is now quite a lot of coronavirus cases. With this application, it can be controlled. Even we will be detected if going more than 25 meters and immediately asked to go home. So this is complete. On the one hand, we look for positive people, this application makes a positive person can really be independent isolation where he/she should be. So this is a good combination. Hopefully we can expand later," he furthered.
He went on to say that the application would be synchronized with the data contained in the Jakarta Smart City. Hopefully, this collaboration could improve testing, tracing and care for COVID-19 positive patients who are in home-isolation.
"Hopefully Jakarta can get through this situation well. This is not something an opinion will make today. Later it will be reviewed, seen how we work. InsyaAllah this app is a huge benefit for us in facing the coronavirus," he closed.
Aside that, there are other applications launched in the context of improving the quality of Polda Metro Jaya services, namely:
2. Si Pitung Cerdas Site
3. Si Pitung Hotspot
4. Pantau Jakarta Utara Sehad
5. SAV-E (South Jakarta Metro Resort Police)
6. Rajawali (East Jakarta Metro Resort Police)
As for the information, the activity is also accompanied by the inauguration of the North Jakarta Metro Police Community Service Center. On this occasion, the Forkopimda ranks handed over social aid symbolically to 478 people of North Jakarta who are in home-isolation after being tested positive for COVID-19.