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Kebakaran di Berlan, Satu Tewas Terpanggang
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Fire in Berlan Burned A Woman

A fire that ravaged 161 houses in Indonesian Army Berlan residential complex, Jalan Kesatrian V, Kebon Manggis Urban Village, Matraman, East Jakarta, Tuesday (10/14) afternoon, has led to a dead woman on fire. The victim is allegedly named Ngatiyem (55) who lives in a rented house at RT 18/03 Kebon Manggis, Wednesday (10/15) morning.

Ngatiyem is a quiet person and less hang out with other citizens

Ani (45), one of local citizens expressed a dead body was found when citizens were scavenging the rest building debris caused by fire. Locals suspect the victim is Ngatiyem, who often sells vegetables at her rented house every day.

She continued, the victim is found in the prone position in her bedroom. All this time, she lived alone because her husband and children settled in Central Java.

Fire in Jatinegara, Three People Injured

"Ngatiyem is a quiet person and less hang out with other citizens. At 3 PM, she was always sleeping in her house," told Ani.

Matraman Police Chief, Comr. UA Triyanto justified that there was one dead victim in fire incident. Its body has been brought to the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital for an autopsy.

"For this time, we have yet to identify the victim due to has to be examined further.  Some witnesses are still being questioned by police to unravel the findings of dead body," he uttered.

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