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Satpel SDA Senen Bangun Turap di Bantaran Kali Ciliwung
photo Adriana Megawati -

SDA Builds Sheet Pile on Ciliwung Riverbank

After it is finished, we will continue to do casting and screwing on the side of the sheet pile

To prevent flood water when rain pours, a 260-meter long sheet pile is being built on the Ciliwung Riverbank, Jalan Kramat Batas, Kenari Urban Village, Central Jakarta.

"It has been ongoing since August," said Senen Sub-district Water Resources (SDA) Executing Unit Head, M Rohman, Monday (8/31).

Collapsed Sheet Pile on Jalan Antariksa Raya Repaired

To conduct it, as many as nine officers plus one dump truck had been alerted to the location. The sheet pile itself would be made to 260 meters long.

"After it is finished, we will continue to do casting and screwing on the side of the sheet pile," he closed.

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