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Antisipasi Genangan, 42 Titik Saluran Air Dikeruk
photo Nurito -

Flood Anticipation, 42 Water Channels Dredged

As an effort to anticipate puddles and flood during rainy season which predicted to happen in upcoming November, East Jakarta Water Management Public Works Sub-Department dredges 42 water channels.

This work becomes our priority this year, and is targeted to finish in upcoming December

These drains are located in areas that prone to flood, such as on Jalan Rusun Komarudin (Penggilingan Urban Village), Jalan Bulak Ringin, Jalan SMPN 258, Jalan Condet Raya (Kramat Jati), Jalan Jeruk Raya, Jalan Teluk Palu, Jalan SMPN 135, Jalan Mayang, Jalan Pendidikan, Jalan Wijaya Kusuma (Duren Sawit), Jalan Mandor Hasan, Jalan Bambu Kuning, Jalan Munjul RW 06, Jalan Kramat Ganceng (Cipayung), Jalan Suralaya, Jalan Raya Setu (Cilangkap), then some other points.

All of the water channels dredged is the result from citizens’ proposals that discussed in development planning meeting (Musrenbang) in urban village level to city level. Overall, the length of those water channels is between 500-1,000 meters.

Drains Re-function Program in East Jakarta Doomed to Fail

“This work becomes our priority this year, and is targeted to finish in upcoming December. With this program, we hope there would be less puddles when rainy season comes,” stated Head of East Jakarta Water Management Public Works Sub-Department, Henry Dunant, Tuesday (10/21).

According to him, the water channels dredged are experiencing sedimentation and becoming shallow. Previously, their depth was 80-100 centimeters, but now it is only around 40 centimeters.

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