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Musrenbang Jaksel Hasilkan 1.655 Kegiatan Di 2015
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S. Jakarta Needs Rp 2.4 T for Next Year Improvement

The South Jakarta National Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbang) generates 1,655 activity proposal for 2015 budget. Syamsuddin Noor, South Jakarta Mayor, said so on Thursday (10/16).

Total budget for all activity is Rp 2.4 trillion

From the total of proposal, community health sector provided the most proposal by 574 activities. Others are Population and Environmental Studies sector is 455 activities, Governmental sector is 392 activities, and Economy sector is 234 activities. "Total budget for all activity is Rp 2.4 trillion," he said.

In the proposal, he added, there are top programs such as flood handling, traffic handling, and slum settlement management. "As for flood handling, there are Pesanggrahan river normalization, and next year is Ciliwung river normalization. Shortcut road will be built as traffic jam handling, and slum settlement management will be applied in Petogogogan," he stated.

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Other programs listed in 2015 budget are waste handling, green open space development, public facility improvement, education quality improvement, and society quality improvement.

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