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Gerebek Lumpur Pademangan Timur Bakal Libatkan 100 Personel Gabungan
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

100 Joint Personnel to Hold Grebek Lumpur Action in Pademangan Tomorrow

Tomorrow we will do sweeping until micro drains in residential area

Around 100 joint personnel of PPSU, Water Resources Sub-agency and Fire and Rescue Sub-agency are about to clean up the drains in RW 07 and 10, Pademangan Timur, Pademangan, on Sunday (10/11).

Pademangan Timur Urban Village Head Bambang Mulyanto said it is part of the Grebek Lumpur action at urban village level. Locals would also be involved to optimize the action.

100 Joint Personnel Carry Out Grebek Lumpur Activity in Cilincing

"Tomorrow we will do sweeping until micro drains in residential area," he expressed, Saturday (10/10).

Based on the observation results, he expressed, the drains were full of mud sediment and often caused puddles when rain poured.

"We will hold it in the morning," he stated.

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