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120 Pasien Korban Banjir Berobat ke Posko Kesehatan
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

Health Posts Built to Serve 120 Flood and Landslide Victims in Jagakarsa

South Jakarta served 120 residents affected by flood and landslide on Jalan Damai, RT 04/02, Ciganjur Urban Village, Jagakarsa.

We have built 2 health posts in the shelter to provide treatment for the victims

South Jakarta Health Sub-agency Head, Helmi conveyed, his side built 2 health posts near the location to give medical treatment for the evacuees.

"We have built 2 health posts in the shelter to provide treatment for the victims," he said, Sunday (10/11).

129 RTs Flooded Due to Rain Since Saturday, BPBD Prepares 9 Shelters

His side deployed 15 personnel, consisting of doctors and medical personnel to serve 90 residents who evacuate at RT 04 gazebo and 30 residents who evacuate in one of the residents' houses.

"Generally, they seek treatment related to gastric disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and coughs. This afternoon, one patient was referred to Jagakarsa Hospital because of burns," he informed.

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