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21 Titik Saluran di Koja Diperbaiki
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Flood Anticipation, 21 Canal in Koja Improved

As much as 21 drainage points at Koja Sub District, North Jakarta, were dredged and re-functioned. It is expected the micro water canal system can decrease the effect of flood.

The sheet pile is already collapse and disturb the canal

Head Section of Water Resources Management for North Jakarta Public Works Sub-department, Kuryatna Atmadja, 15 points out of total canal are damage and being improved. Those canal are on Jalan Mundu, Jalan Lagoa Sinar, Jalan Rawa Badak Barat, Mantang and Palem.

"The sheet pile is already collapse and disturb the canal," he said, Wednesday (10/22).

Flood Anticipation, 42 Water Channels Dredged

U-ditch is installed to improve the canal in vary dimension started from 60 cm up to 100 cm. The other six canal which having flush are on Northern Jalan Mundu, Western Jalan Mundu, Northern and Southern Jalan Melati, Northern and Southern Jalan Murtado.

It is expected the improvement will decrease the flood effect. Like what was happened in January 2014, Rawabadak Utara, Rawabadak Selatan, Tugu selatan and Tugu Utara were flooded by 20-100 cm. The inundation happened almost two weeks.

"Hopefully it can be completed in December. We hope the canal could flow the water easier," he added.

The water from the canal will be pumped to Sunter River into the sea by four pump houses such as Waduk Rawa Badak Pump, Pinang Pump, Sindang Pump, and Lagoa Pump.

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