1,000 People Undergo Vaccination at Padepokan Minhaajurrosyidin Lubang Buaya
Reported by Nurito | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
We also urge our students, teachers, janitors, security officers and caregivers of padepokan to participate in this vaccination
Minhaajurrosyidin Padepokan Chairman, KH Muhammad Asy' Ari Akbar said that it has been held since June 14. Today's vaccination had entered the second dose.
Joint Personnel Distribute Vitamins and Masks to Pisangan Timur Residents"Alhamdulillah our padepokan is quite wide. That's why we are interested to hold vaccination. Surely we are happy to contribute to help the government in the vaccination program," he admitted.
To support it, he provided supporting facilities and infrastructure such as, tables, chairs, sound systems, parking areas and cleaning facilities.
"We also urge our students, teachers, janitors, security officers and caregivers of padepokan to participate in this vaccination. Thus they will be protected from the virus," he expressed.
Cipayung Sub-district Head, Fajar Eko Satrio explained, similar action was also spotted at Al Hamid Islamic Boarding School, Cilangkap Urban Village Puskesmas, Ceger, Setu and Bambu Apus I, Adhyaksa Hospital, and Cipayung RSUD, Asomadiyah Clinic, and SMKN 24 Cipayung.
Especially at Minhaajurrosyidin Padepokan, it was targeted to vaccinate around 800 people every day for the second dose and 500 for the first dose. While for he Al Hamid Ponpes should touch 500 for the first and second dose.
Then each urban village puskesmas targeted to touch 150 for the first dose and 150 for the second dose, Adhyaksa Hospital should touch 300, Cipayung RSUD should touch 250, Asomadiyah Clinic should touch 50 and SMKN 24 should touch 500.
"This vaccination's daily target in Cipayung is 3,300 people. We encourage urban village heads to push its people to get vaccinated. That is by visiting the nearest vaccination center," he continued.
To achieve the target, he had involved a number of stakeholders, namely T Care Foundation and Andalusian Bambu Apus University.
"We also involve ACS Setu, PT Sayana Integra and other third parties, including from school alumnus who can help with the vaccination program," he stated.