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Sudin Bina Marga Jakut Perbaiki Kerusakan Jalan Yos Sudarso
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North Jakarta Bina Marga Repairs Jalan Yos Sudarso

North Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency repaired Jalan Yos Sudarso which damaged along 15 meters in Koja Urban Village, Koja Sub-district.

We patch the road along 15 meters with width 1-1.5 meters

North Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency's Supervisor for Koja Sub-district Road Repair, Muis stated, road patching was carried out after receiving report from personnel who monitor on the field regarding potholes and uneven road on Jalan Yos Sudarso.

"We patch the road along 15 meters with width 1-1.5 meters. Patching work uses 40 sacks of asphalt," he informed, Friday (9/24).

3,677 Potholes in Central Jakarta Repaired

His side deployed 7 personnel with 1 jack hammer and 1 baby roller for repairing the road.

"This repair work is started and targeted to finish today," he said.

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