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Jakarta - PT KAI Gears Up to Improve Intermodal Integration in Kota Tua

The Jakarta administration and PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) are banking on their close cooperation in land use to optimize the integration between public transportation modes in Kota Tua area, West Jakarta.

The first areas to be arranged are around Jalan Lada Dalam, Jalan Kemungkus and Jalan Ketumbar to Plaza Beos

Development and Environment Assistant, Afan Andriansyah said, the collaboration was made to follow up on the joint agreement between PT MRT, PT KAI and BUMN Ministry for the makeover of the second stage of the station. The first stage of the revitalization is already underway, namely Manggarai, Gondangdia, Tebet, and Palmerah stations.

"The first areas to be arranged are around Jalan Lada Dalam, Jalan Kemungkus and Jalan Ketumbar to Plaza Beos," he expressed, Wednesday (11/10).

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According to him, it is targeted at the maximum until mid-2022. As for pedestrians, the Bina Marga Agency would revitalize it through a funding scheme for the Land Acquisition Principle Approval Letter (SP3L). Especially on Jalan Lada, there are eight lanes through which vehicles will be transformed into pedestrian areas and the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) area or low emission zone in Kota Tua. Then the Transportation Agency (Dishub) would regulate and direct traffic in Plaza Beos, precisely in front of Plaza Mandiri, Bank Mandiri Museum and Bank BI Museum.

"We want to return the Kota Tua area to its original condition, the condition that existed in the past. Its pedestrian will also be revitalized in order to create a sense of comfortable for people and many will move to public transportation. We really appreciate the collaboration and support scheme from the ranks of Jakarta, as the revitalization of this station has been going well and very quickly," he said.

Niaga PT KAI Director, Dadan Rudiansyah, positively welcomed the collaboration. Hopefully, it could be developed as it is one of PT KAI's visions as an ecosystem system for transportation modes in Jakarta, which plays a role in the integration of transportation modes for the benefit of the community.

"Previously, we had completed the revitalization of the four stations as the spearhead of cooperation. Then our next focus is in Kota Tua area," he stated.

Executive Vice President Daop 1, Suryawan Putra Hia explained, it is to improve the quality of service to the community. People can also enjoy affordable prices, moreover it is able to reduce carbon emissions in the city.

"That's why the collaboration is important to run this program. It will also benefit various parties from pollution reduction, density and affordable prices for the community," he continued.

As for the information, the signing of the cooperation agreement was executed by Jakarta Dishub Head, Syafrin Liputo and PT KAI Commercial Director, Dadan Rudiansyah, witnessed by Development and Environment Assistant, Afan Andriansyah in the Collaboration Room, Block G, Jakarta City Hall.

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