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Perbaikan Breakwater di Sisi Utara Pulau Untung Jawa Rampung
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Breakwater Repair on North Side of Untung Jawa Island Completed

The Thousand Islands Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency has repaired the breakwater on north side of Untung Jawa Island, Utung Jawa Island Urban Village, South Thousand Islands Sub-district.

This repair conducted by seven personnel is done up to 700 meters

Thousand Islands SDA Sub-agency Head, Hendri said the repair focused on 617 tetrapods that hit by the waves.

"This repair conducted by seven personnel is done up to 700 meters. It conducted in October and completed on December 4," he expressed, Tuesday (12/7).

Breakwater Built on the East Side of Sebira Island

By doing so, it was expected to make the breakwater stronger to withstand high waves and prevent beach abrasion.

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