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Sudin Bina Marga Perbaiki Tali Air di Jalan Sultan Agung
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

Channel Plaster Along Jl. Sultan Agung Repaired

Seven personnel of South Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency repaired channel plaster along Jalan Sultan Agung, Setiabudi Sub-district.

Repair is carried out because many parts of the plaster are damaged

South Jakarta Bina Marga Sub-agency Head, Hery Suwondo informed, repair started from in front of HMI Building until traffic light intersection on Jalan Minang Kabau for about 500 meters.

"Repair is carried out because many parts of the plaster are damaged," he said, Wednesday (12/15).

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According to him, Bina Marga personnel repaired the damaged and collapsed plaster by installing bricks and plastering it with cement to make it stronger and neater.

"It has been started since last week. If it runs well, we can finish the work by the end of this month," he mentioned.

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