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Sepanjang 2021, Sudin Pertamanan Jaktim Perbaiki Turap Longsor di Empat TPU
photo Nurito -

In 2021, East Jakarta City Park and Forestry Repairs Collapsed Retaining Walls in 4 Public Cemeteries

From March to mid-December 2021, East Jakarta City Park and Forestry Sub-agency repaired the collapsed retaining wall in four public cemeteries (TPUs). Repair was carried out in stages at different times.

Repair conducted on collapsed retaining walls in 4 TPUs carried out at different times

East Jakarta City Park and Forestry Sub-agency's Green Belt and Cemetery Section Head, Atang Setiawan stated, at TPU Rambutan I, the length of retaining wall repaired was 100 meters with height 3-4 meters. Repair was carried out in early November and completed in early December.

The second location was at TPU Pondok Ranggon, where 20-meter retaining wall near COVID-19 cemetery was collapsed. Repair had been carried out in March. It was located at Blok AAI Blad 98 and 99, or about 20 meters from Sunter River.

Retaining Walls Repair Work at TPU Rambutan 1 Continued

"At TPU Pondok Ranggon, we also built new water channel as long as 25 meters with width 30 centimeters and height 30 centimeters. Thus rainwater that often inundated the grave plots can flow directly to Sunter River," he explained, Tuesday (12/21).

Next, retaining wall at TPU Cijantung with height 7 meters and length 30 meters was repaired by installing triple stacking bolts to make it more sturdy and durable. It was installed with cast concrete sloop every three meters, both vertically and horizontally, because TPU is located above residential area.

Then, collapsed retaining wall at TPU Susukan Islam with length 25 meters and height 2.5 meters was also repaired. It was happened in February but repaired in April because waiting for material to be procured.

"Repair conducted on collapsed retaining walls in 4 TPUs carried out at different times," he mentioned.

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