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Seribuan Warga Jakpus Ikut Senam Jali-jali di HBKB Jalan Suryopranoto
photo Folmer -

Thousands of Jali-jali Gymnastics Participants Enliven CFD on Jalan Suryopranoto

The Central Jakarta administration once again held a Car Free Day (CFD) on Jalan Suryopranoto, Petojo Utara Urban Village, Gambir Sub-district, Sunday (9/18). It was also enlivened by the performance of a thousand participants in the Jali-jali gymnastics, the majority of whom were women from eight sub-districts.

We can also enjoy the flying fox here

"There are also dance performances from students of SMPN 216 Jakarta and SMP Ksatria, as well as giving tree seeds to residents," stated Central Jakarta Mayor, Dhany Sukma.

According to him, the various sports activities held on Jalan Suryopranoto succeeded in reducing air pollution by not having motorcycles passing by.

30 SMEs Enliven Car Free Day in Danau Sunter Area

Joko (35), a resident of Petojo Selatan admitted that he was happy with the return of CFD on Jalan Suryapranoto.

"While exercising with my wife and children playing bicycles, we can also enjoy the flying fox here," he stated.

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