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Bank DKI Hadirkan Versi Terbaru JakOne Mobile
photo Wuri Setyaningsih -

Bank DKI Launches Latest Version of JakOne Mobile

Bank DKI has presented the latest version of the JakOne Mobile super app which is more modern and intuitive. With this new version, customers can experience a more personal, mobile, and reliable transaction.

The new JakOne Mobile users are also getting easier, as they are equipped with JakOne Pay electronic money

PT Bank DKI Secretary, Arie Rinaldi said that the latest version of JakOne Mobile can make it easier for customers to open a savings account online anywhere and anytime. It has various payment features, from online billing and shopping, QRIS transactions, electronic money top-up, giving to charity or donating to others, to securing emergency funds through opening time deposits and savings accounts.

"The new JakOne Mobile users are also getting easier, as they are equipped with JakOne Pay electronic money. Thus, it is easier for customers to transact payments via QRIS with a choice of multi-source of funds, savings accounts, or electronic money," he expressed, Wednesday (9/28).

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To enjoy it, the public does not need to be a customer of Bank DKI but just download the application on the Google Play Store for Android-based smartphones and the App Store for IOS-based smartphones.

"As of June 2022, as many as 1.7 million people have used this application with a transaction value of Rp 9.1 trillion," he closed.

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