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Tinjau Penghijauan Kolong Tol Becakayu, Heru: Urban Farming Perlu Dikembangkan
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Greening Under Becakayu Toll Road, Heru: Urban Farming Needs to Be Developed

The urban farming program needs to be maintained and developed because besides giving the impression of beauty, this activity also helps empower food security in Jakarta.

Urban farming in the area can also help us empower food security in Jakarta.

The statement above was directly confirmed by Jakarta Acting Governor, Heru Budi Hartono when he observed the process of planting trees and building a park on Kalimalang inspection road area, precisely along Becakayu Toll Road, Cipinang Melayu, East Jakarta, Tuesday (1/3) morning.

While being accompanied by Makassar Sub-district Head, Kamal Alatas and Cipinang Melayu Urban Village Head, Arroyantoro and their ranks, he carried out an observation to ensure that the progress of greening activities in the area was on target. Thus, it could create comfort and freshness for residents passing through the area.

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"Thanks to sub-district and village heads for monitoring the reforestation activities here. I hope tree planting under the Becakayu toll road can continue, which is also one of the performance indicators for managing sub-district and sub-district level areas," he expressed.

He also wanted them to continuously maintain the beauty of the environment in the green area under Becakayu Toll Road. This beauty also had an impact on the city's food security sector through urban farming activities in the area.

"Urban farming in the area can also help us empower food security in Jakarta. Therefore, it needs to be maintained. This is not only worth maintaining, but also needs to be developed," he asserted.

As for the information, greening progress in the area under Becakayu Toll Road has been carried out along 2.7 kilometers of the total 5 kilometers that will be greened. Heru hopes that the remaining work on planting trees and other green plants can be completed according to the target.

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