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Dinas Kominfotik Pastikan JakWifi Tetap Berjalan
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Diskominfotik: JakWIFI Services in Jakarta are Still Accessible

The Jakarta Communications, Informatics and Statistics Agency (Diskominfotik), conducted a survey and evaluation of internet services with free Wi-Fi through JakWIFI. It aims to improve internet services, thus they are more optimal and on target during the transition to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The main spirit of this internet services is to ensure equal access

Jakarta Diskominfotik Acting Head, Raides Aryanto said that based on the Home Minister's Instruction No. 50 and 51/2022 on PPKM Revocation, there were no more restrictions on community activities, thus schools and offices had entered 100 percent.

He explained that the results of a survey conducted by the Diskominfotik generally showed that during the transitional phase of the pandemic as it is today, people's activities are gradually returning to normal, resulting in changes in the use of JakWIFI by the community.

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"The main spirit of this internet service is to ensure equal access, especially for underprivileged people in Jakarta, which is used to support Distance Learning during the pandemic," he explained, Tuesday (1/3).

He went on to say that the JakWIFI services for distance learning reached 56 percent based on the December 2021 survey and increased to 60.9 percent in the March 2022 survey. However, in a survey conducted in November 2022, it was recorded that only 27.5 percent used it for distance learning.

"The rest is used for entertainment or 50.7 percent," he furthered.

According to him, the survey was carried out proportionately in every city and regency administration in Jakarta. The survey data collection technique was carried out by filling out questionnaires, field surveys, structured interviews, and observing JakWIFI users.

"The survey results are the basis for the Diskominfotik to make adjustments to the location points of JakWIFI which are spread across 645 RWs, namely in the community where the utilization is unoptimal in accessing JakWIFI," he added.

Based on analysis and monitoring data as well as surveys that have been conducted, there are 1,867 JakWIFI location points where the frequency of use is recorded to be the lowest.

His agency would continue to optimize JakWIFI services by increasing the stability of its connectivity at available JakWIFI service points.

"With this evaluation and adjustment, hopefully, the free internet service through JakWIFI will be more effective and targeted at its location point in order to support the community for various productive activities," he stated.

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