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Perkembangan Penanganan Bencana Kebakaran
photo Mochamad Tresna Suheryanto -

Update Data on Fire Handling at Pertamina's Plumpang Fuel Storage Depot Until Tuesday (March 14)

This assistance will continuously be distributed optimally and continuously

The Jakarta Provincial Government continues to optimize assistance for the victims and refugees of the fire disaster at the Pertamina Plumpang Depot, Rawa Badak Selatan, North Jakarta, which occurred on Friday (3/3) evening. It includes ensuring that victims and refugees receive their basic needs, such as food and clothing.

"The assistance distributed consisted of food, clothing, and medicines. This assistance will continuously be distributed optimally and continuously," expressed Jakarta Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) Acting Head, Ridwan Ibrahim, as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release, Tuesday (3/14).

North Jakarta PMI Closes Evacuation Post in Plumpang

Refugee Data

According to Jakarta BPBD data until Tuesday (3/14) at 6 PM, it was recorded that several evacuees had reached 82 people:

- Evacuation Post in RW 09 Rawa Badak Selatan Urban Village: 82 evacuees

- Meanwhile, there are no refugees left at RPTRA Rasela and North Jakarta PMI Headquarters

Victim Handling Data

Based on data from Jakarta Health Agency (Dinkes), until 6 PM, 23 people died and 22 people are being treated by medical teams in 4 hospitals

Population Service Data

Based on data from Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Agency (Dukcapil) in Plumpang, North Jakarta PMI Post and Rasela RPTRA have provided 442 services, including printing of identity cards (KTP), printing of family cards (KK), registration of digital population identity (IKD), application for a birth certificate, and consultation

BPBD Assistance Data

BPBD has deployed 50 personnel and set up 2 tents at Rasela RPTRA and North Jakarta Mayor. They also distribute assistance:

• Mineral water

• Sarong

• Blankets

• Mukenas

• Tarps

• Mattresses

• Family kit

• Kidswear

• Clothing

• Body bags

• Bar soap

• Wipol

• Hand sanitizer

• Masks

• Fan

• Tent bases

• Megaphone

BNPB Assistance Data

The following is the assistance data that has been provided by BNPB:

• Refugee Tents 6x12

• 4x6 Family Tents

• Staple Food Packages

• Blankets

• Mattresses

Social Agency (Dinsos) Assistance Data

Assistance has also been handed over from Jakarta Dinsos to fire survivors in Rawa Badak Selatan:

1. Food

• Rice

• Instant noodles

• Canned fish

• Soy sauce

2. Clothing

• Collar shirts

• Egligee

• Men's underwear

• Women's underwear

• Blankets

• Small towel

3. Other Assistance

• Mattresses

• Tarps

• Mineral water

• Adult presses

• Packaged ready meals

• Biscuits

Healthcare Support Data

Health support provided, namely mobile health posts at refugee posts where there are still refugees and trauma healing assistance for victims, especially children

The Jakarta Government continues to synergize with various parties in handling this fire, as protecting residents and ensuring residents' safety is the most important thing.

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