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122.183 Wisatawan Telah Berkunjung ke Monas Selama Libur Idulfitri
photo Wuri Setyaningsih -

122,183 Tourists Visit Monas on Idul Fitri

The number of visitors to the Monas tourist spot, Gambir, Central Jakarta continues to increase on Idul Fitri holiday season.

At 11 AM, as many as 3,301 tourists have been visiting Monas

As of today, there have been 122,183 visitors visiting this favorite tourist spot for Jakartans.

Monas Area Management Unit (UPK) Head, Muhammad Isa Sanuri stated until noon today, tourists are still coming to Monas.

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"At 11 AM, as many as 3,301 tourists have been visiting Monas," he said, Wednesday (4/26).

He predicts the number of tourists visiting Monas would keep increasing. However, it is believed that the number of tourists would not be as big as on April 23 and 24, 2023.

"On April 23, the number of tourists reached 52,000, then increased the next day to 60,000 tourists," he explained.

This number began to decline on April 25 with a total of 6,882 tourists.

"We predict that the peak increase in tourists will occur this weekend with an estimate of over 60,000 people," he explained.

During Idul Fitri holiday, his party prepared 87 personnel with details of 40 Monas UPK personnel, eight police personnel, and 39 Garrison personnel.

"They stand guard at five guard posts located at the five gates of Monas," he explained.

He urged visitors to maintain cleanliness and public order, thus the Monas area remains safe and comfortable.

"We always urge them to dispose of trash in its place and maintain order," he stated.

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