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Yuk, Kunjungi Pentas Seni Libur Lebaran di Pulau Onrust
photo Anita Karyati -

Let's Visit Eid Holiday Art Performance on Onrust Island

The Kebaharian Museum Management Unit together with Seribu Islands Cultural Sub-agency hold an Eid Holiday Art Performance on Onrust Island, South Seribu Islands.

Visitors are very happy and enjoyed the event

This event is held in commemoration of World Dance Day which coincides on April 29, 2023.

Jakarta Kebaharian Museum Management Unit Head, Mis'ari stated besides celebrating World Dance Day, the Idul Fitri Holiday Art Performance is also to introduce Betawi traditional cultural arts and provide entertainment to visitors to Onrust Island.

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"Besides being introduced to maritime, visitors are also introduced to Betawi cultural arts," he expressed, Sunday (4/30).

He explained Onrust Island was chosen as the location for the event, as it already has stage facilities. The event will run over two days from April 29-30 at 11 AM.

"Visitors are very happy and enjoyed the event. Hopefully, we can hold this event again by showing other Betawi cultural arts," he hoped.

Utilization and Development Section Head, Triyadi Purnomo said the art of dance staged in this event is Betawi dance. There are Selendang Merah Studio and Purnama Kreasi Nusantara Studio which showed off their skills.

"Visitors are also invited to dance together. We hope that this collaboration will continue and we will keep supporting the events held by the Kebaharian Museum," he closed.

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